The University of Tampa’s Emergency Text Messaging Service
The University of Tampa provides a free emergency alert text messaging service to students, faculty and staff. The Spartan Mobile Alert (SMART) service will only be used in potential or developing emergency circumstances. You will receive a 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 text message alert advising you of the situation and where to get additional information and details.
Nothing else. No advertisements. No gimmicks. No hassle. Just 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 safety alerts and advisories when you need them.
Update your Contact Information in Workday!
By entering your cell phone number under your home contact information in Workday you will be auto-enrolled in the Spartan Mobile Alert (SMART) service to receive these alerts. Under the "Home Contact Information" section, ensure your "Primary Phone" is set to your cell phone number and the "Phone Device" is Mobile.
Please see the specific instructions on My十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa for additional assistance.
Who can get SMART?
You must be a 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 student, faculty or staff member to be enrolled in the SMART text messaging service.
Will my cell phone number be kept confidential?
Yes. 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 SMART service cell phone numbers are not shared or sold to any other systems or services.
How many SMART text messages will I receive?
SMART text messages will only be sent to alert or advise you of emergency situations. The exact number is difficult to predict, but there should be very few. You will receive messages within seconds of their transmission. If your cell phone is turned off when a text message is sent, you will receive it after you turn your cell phone on, but only if you do so within seven days from the original transmission.
What do I need to get SMART and how much does it cost?
All you need is a cell phone with text messaging capabilities. There is no charge for SMART; however, individual cell phone plans may apply nominal charges for text messages, so check your cell phone contract.
Note: All landlines, most Tracfones and some pay-as-you-go phones will not register on the SMART system. We are sorry, but this is a limitation of the phone providers.
What if I change my cell phone service provider?
The SMART system recognizes changes in service providers and automatically send text messages to your new (current) cell phone carrier.
What if I am going to change my cell phone number?
Please visit the ITS Service Desk for instructions. You'll need to sign in to My十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa to view the page link.
How can I opt-out of SMART?
If you no longer wish to receive SMART alerts, please text STOP from the enrolled device to one of the common shortcodes, 67283 or 226787.
How do I know the 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 Alert is authentic?
All SMART messages will originate from either the number 67283 or 226787. These are common shortcodes used by Rave, the vendor that provides SMART. Text messages received from these numbers are valid and were sent by 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 emergency personnel. 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 urges community members to save these numbers in their contact list so they can be assured it is an authentic SMART message. If you are ever concerned about the authenticity of 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 Alert message, please contact Campus Safety.
As an important reminder, the 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 website is the primary and most complete resource for current emergency information. The SMART text messaging service is just one of the methods the University will use to communicate emergency information to students, faculty and staff. If appropriate, global emails, global voicemails, BlackBoard announcements, the telephone switchboard, flyers, local media and other communication tools will also be used.