十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa emphasizes active learning in the classroom and field research outside it, allowing students to act on what they have learned. Students who learn by doing, learn more effectively.\r\n"}}' id="teaser-d0f0aee313">
Learn Effectively
十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa emphasizes active learning in the classroom and field research outside it, allowing students to act on what they have learned. Students who learn by doing, learn more effectively.
Experiential education allows students to use the theories and skills gained in the classroom to solve real-world problems, giving them an edge on the competition for jobs and graduate school.
Learning by Doing: Inquiry-based Experiential Education is a campus-wide initiative to increase the practical and real-world opportunities for 十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa students.
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